Food Forests for Schools

photo of a food forest

Food Forests for Schools

学校食物森林AG亚游集团官方网站是全国首创, 增加树冠的大规模倡议, 同时提高孩子的学业成绩和营养健康. 当学生们穿过森林,穿过树木蜿蜒的小路, bushes, vines, and groundcover, 他们学习辣木树, 每片叶子都含有完整的蛋白质,比牛奶含有更多的钙, and Barbados Cherry trees, 一颗樱桃含有18个橙子的维生素C. 学生们通过光合作用的实践课程参与到这些独特的户外“生态实验室”中, erosion, soil science, etc. 当学生们带着健康的农产品回家时,家庭也会受益.

现代食物森林源于生物多样性, indigenous agroecosystems, dating back millennia. The ecological design of the food forest is rooted in the structure and diversity of natural systems, 模仿高多样性水平, nutrient cycling, root support, 和多个树冠层(创建一个“封闭”系统). 近年来,城市食物森林作为粮食安全项目备受关注. These small food forests can also substantially increase other important ecosystem services (e.g.碳储存、流域保护和遮荫降温).
